Cover CAF Book
KDZ Publications

Transforming Public Administration with CAF - 20 years of the Common Assessment Framework

Information about the publication
Öffentliches Management und Finanzwirtschaft
Prorok, Thomas
Parzer, Philip

The CAF is the European Common Assessment Framework for better quality in public administration, and it celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2020. The CAF improves public administration through self-assessment by the employees and executives of "their" organisation. The beginning of the CAF dates back to 1998 when the ministers of the European Public Administration Network (EUPAN) commissioned designing "general principles concerning the improvement of the quality of services provided to citizens".

The CAF 2020 is the fifth version of the CAF, and it is designed to be the European guideline for good governance and excellence in public sector organisations.
In four chapters, this book provides an overview of how the CAF is contributing to transform public administration. About 30 designated CAF experts from academia and practice offer insights into the impact of the CAF in different fields of public sector organisations, reflecting the powerful role of the CAF in navigating through challenging times. Furthermore, this book provides an overview of the institutional status of the CAF in Europe and internationally, and it shows the necessary steps for further strengthening the CAF as the number one tool for transformation and quality in the public sector.

Cover CAF Book

As a resumé of the book, it can be stated that the CAF initiates and accompanies the transformation of public administration, especially through:

  • transforming the organisation towards change and organisational development;
  • transforming public administration towards the Sustainable Development Goals;
  • transforming the public sector towards effective governance, multi-level collaboration and comprehensive policy-field-thinking;
  • making public administration and structural reforms successful; and
  • driving states and societies towards European integration and European values.

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Kelmend Zajazi
Kelmend Zajazi | Executive Director of NALAS
The long-term cooperation with KDZ means a lot to us at NALAS. In KDZ we found a peer that fully understands who we are.
Isabelle Verschuren | Federal Public Service Policy and Support (BOSA), CAF correspondent of Belgium
In the last years Belgium has planned and organised many different CAF activities (e.g. CAF training, Certification of CAF label) together with KDZ.
Josep Medrano | Director of Strategic Planning and Taxation, City of Barcelona
For the City of Barcelona, the collaboration with KDZ through the European "Cities for Sustainable Public Finances (CSPF)" has reached a qualitative advance.


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