Header LOGOV Country Report Austria
KDZ Studies

Local Government in Austria - Responses to Urban-Rural Challenges

Information about the study
Schantl, Alexandra
Pichler, Dalilah
Prorok, Thomas
EURAC Research
Published in
Bozen, Vienna

This Country Report on Austria has been realised in the framework of the H2020-MSCA-RISE-2018 project “LoGov - Local Government and the Changing Urban-Rural Interplay”. LoGov aims to provide solutions for local governments that address the fundamental challenges resulting from urbanisation. To address this complex issue, 18 partners from 17 countries and six continents share their expertise and knowledge in the realms of public law, political science, and public administration. LoGov identifies, evaluates, compares, and shares innovative practices that cope with the impact of changing urban-rural relations in five major local government areas: (1) local responsibilities and public services, (2) local financial arrangements, (3) structure of local government, (4) intergovernmental relations of local governments, and (5) people’s participation in local decision-making.

The present report provides an overview of the system of local government in Austria. To access the full version of this report, the various practices in the five above-mentioned areas of interest, and to receive more information about the project, please visit: https://www.logov-rise.eu/. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 823961.

Kelmend Zajazi
Kelmend Zajazi | Executive Director of NALAS
The long-term cooperation with KDZ means a lot to us at NALAS. In KDZ we found a peer that fully understands who we are.
Isabelle Verschuren | Federal Public Service Policy and Support (BOSA), CAF correspondent of Belgium
In the last years Belgium has planned and organised many different CAF activities (e.g. CAF training, Certification of CAF label) together with KDZ.
Josep Medrano | Director of Strategic Planning and Taxation, City of Barcelona
For the City of Barcelona, the collaboration with KDZ through the European "Cities for Sustainable Public Finances (CSPF)" has reached a qualitative advance.


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