Vienna at night

European Governance and Urban Policy

International Know How Exchange and Capacity Building

Know-how transfer, know-how exchange, capacity building and capacity development with European partners are the focus of the internationally oriented KDZ activities. Thematically, we are also primarily concerned with questions of governance, European integration, SDGs and urban-rural relations in the international area.

In the lead project BACID - Building Administrative Capacities in the Danube Region and Western Balkan we support decentralisation, local self-government, administrative reform with the CAF (Common Assessment Framework) and European integration.

In the EU research project LoGoV (Local Government and the Changing Urban-Rural Interplay) we are working with 17 international partners to identify best-fit practices for a functioning interaction between town and country.

The European Cities for Sustainable Public Finances Network (CSPF) is working with Amsterdam (NL), Bordeaux (FR), Barcelona (ES), Hamburg (DE), London (UK) and Trondheim (NO) to develop innovative ideas for EPSAS (European Public Sector Accounting System) and the impact of digitisation, climate change and SDGs on the budgets of European cities.

Urban Policy in Europe

Resilient and innovative cities and regions are guarantors of sustainable development and quality of life, especially regarding future generations. Climate change, demographic and social developments or acutely occurring crises combined with ever tighter financial leeway are increasingly challenging cities and regions. Sustainable solutions are needed in order to remain capable of action.

We offer customised support: The implementation of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at local and regional level, the interaction of urban and rural municipalities as complementary spaces and the accompanying necessary administrative and structural reforms such as urban-regional governance, intermunicipal cooperation or even merger concepts are part of our portfolio as well as central questions of federalism and local self-administration.


CAF-Centre and Reform of Public Administration

CAF stands for Common Assessment Framework and is the European guide to good governance and excellent public sector organisations. The aim of the CAF is to develop public administration towards good governance. The CAF centre of the KDZ is the first point of contact for all questions concerning the Common Assessment Framework (CAF). The KDZ is appointed by the Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Public Service and Sports as the Austrian CAF centre and is thus responsible for the information and support of CAF users and interested parties. Furthermore, the CAF centre of the KDZ is an internationally sought-after expert for administrative reform and the introduction of the CAF in all public administrations.

Open Data

Transparent public services are an important prerequisite for trust in institutions and the basis for data-centric administrative management. The KDZ transparency platform is the first point of contact for the publication and visualisation of financial data from the public sector. However, not only financial data but also data on service provision are essential, as e.g. in the publication "Österreichs Städte in Zahlen" (Austrian cities in figures). Open Government Data is a central resource for digitisation. Our national and international expertise in open government data is applied in research, consulting, and further education.

In our public value projects, we make the social added value of public services (e.g. housing, public transport, culture, etc.) visible and use mostly publicly available data.

Austrian Cities in figures 2020 (german)

  • Website:
  • Examples Open Data in the federal government (Austria)
  • Open Government Procedure Model OGD-Cockpit Bonn
  • OGD sample catalogue Germany (Bertelsmann Foundation)
  • Public Value of the non-profit housing industry
  • Public Value Social housing
  • Public Value Elementary Education

Knowledge Management and Networking

Knowledge is a key resource in public sector organisations. Special attention should be paid to the targeted management of this resource knowledge about knowledge-based management and the exchange of knowledge between policy makers, administration, and external stakeholders.

We manage knowledge networks and learning partnerships and organise conferences, workshops, and innovation labs. For the digital exchange of knowledge via online platforms we use flexible knowledge databases with the open source solution Semantic MediaWiki.

Kelmend Zajazi
Kelmend Zajazi | Executive Director of NALAS
The long-term cooperation with KDZ means a lot to us at NALAS. In KDZ we found a peer that fully understands who we are.
Isabelle Verschuren | Federal Public Service Policy and Support (BOSA), CAF correspondent of Belgium
In the last years Belgium has planned and organised many different CAF activities (e.g. CAF training, Certification of CAF label) together with KDZ.
Josep Medrano | Director of Strategic Planning and Taxation, City of Barcelona
For the City of Barcelona, the collaboration with KDZ through the European "Cities for Sustainable Public Finances (CSPF)" has reached a qualitative advance.


Public Management & Consulting Icon

Public Management Consulting

Our focus

  • Financial Management and VRV 2015
  • Organisational and Administrative Development
  • Control and Management Systems
  • Citizens and Customer Service
  • Strategy and Innovation Development
Europäische Governance und Städtepolitik Icon

European Governance and Urban Policy

Our focus

  • International Know How Exchange and Capacity Building
  • Urban Policy in Europe
  • CAF-Centre and Reform of Public Administration
  • Open Data
  • Knowledge Management and Networking