Public Finance and Federalism

System of Financial equalization and Federalism

Our work contributes to a balanced and progressive financial equalization. Our particular concerns are:

  • Increasing transparency in financial equalization: We bring light in the complex financing relationships and functionalities of the financial equalization system.
  • Analyses of the system of financial equalization: We reveal potential for improvement of the areas of the financial equalization system.  We analyse the financial equalization system from a financial and governance perspective.
  • We create reform models for the further development of the system and process of financial equalization.
  • Federalism reform: In addition to the financing side, the distribution of tasks in federalism must be further developed.
References (german)

Transparent & modern public finances

With the focus on transparency and further development of public finances, we contribute to better governance in the public sector. Our focal points:

  • Publication municipal finances: With the online platform we have set a standard for transparent municipal finances.
  • Analyses of the financial situation: We publish annual reports of Austrian finances (Stadtdialog/City Dialogue).
  • Recommendations for sustainable public finances: We help to ensure the long-term stability of municipal finances and the budgets of the federal and provincial governments.
  • Planning and analysis instruments: We support municipalities with budgetary planning and analysis instruments via the platform
  • Budget and accounting: We support federal, provincial, and local governments in the further development of budgeting and accounting systems.
References (german)

Financing and managing public services

We are committed to up-to-date governance processes and structures. Our focus lies on multi-level governacne, especially in those areas that are performed jointly by the federal, state, and local governments.

Our services
  • Financing and managing public services (e.g. public transport, education, care, climate protection)
  • Further development of multi-level governance
  • Development of new government models (e.g. city regions, intermunicipal cooperation)
  • Modernizing federalism based on new governance aspects
References (german)
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Kelmend Zajazi
Kelmend Zajazi | Executive Director of NALAS
The long-term cooperation with KDZ means a lot to us at NALAS. In KDZ we found a peer that fully understands who we are.
Isabelle Verschuren | Federal Public Service Policy and Support (BOSA), CAF correspondent of Belgium
In the last years Belgium has planned and organised many different CAF activities (e.g. CAF training, Certification of CAF label) together with KDZ.
Josep Medrano | Director of Strategic Planning and Taxation, City of Barcelona
For the City of Barcelona, the collaboration with KDZ through the European "Cities for Sustainable Public Finances (CSPF)" has reached a qualitative advance.


Public Management & Consulting Icon

Public Management Consulting

Our focus

  • Financial Management and VRV 2015
  • Organisational and Administrative Development
  • Control and Management Systems
  • Citizens and Customer Service
  • Strategy and Innovation Development
Europäische Governance und Städtepolitik Icon

European Governance and Urban Policy

Our focus

  • International Know How Exchange and Capacity Building
  • Urban Policy in Europe
  • CAF-Centre and Reform of Public Administration
  • Open Data
  • Knowledge Management and Networking