System of Financial equalization and Federalism
Our work contributes to a balanced and progressive financial equalization. Our particular concerns are:
- Increasing transparency in financial equalization: We bring light in the complex financing relationships and functionalities of the financial equalization system.
- Analyses of the system of financial equalization: We reveal potential for improvement of the areas of the financial equalization system. We analyse the financial equalization system from a financial and governance perspective.
- We create reform models for the further development of the system and process of financial equalization.
- Federalism reform: In addition to the financing side, the distribution of tasks in federalism must be further developed.
References (german)
- Finanzausgleich Kompakt 2024 - Factsheets zum Finanzausgleich mit Fokus auf Gemeinden
- Zentralörtliche Aufgaben von Gemeinden in Oberösterreich
- Option einer Governance-orientierten Reform des Finanzausgleichs
- Finanzausgleich 2024: Ein Handbuch
- Klimaschutz und Klimawandelanpassung im Bundesstaat
- Krisenfester Finanzausgleich - Herausforderungen und Optionen zur Krisenbewältigung
Transparent & modern public finances
With the focus on transparency and further development of public finances, we contribute to better governance in the public sector. Our focal points:
- Publication municipal finances: With the online platform we have set a standard for transparent municipal finances.
- Analyses of the financial situation: We publish annual reports of Austrian finances (Stadtdialog/City Dialogue).
- Recommendations for sustainable public finances: We help to ensure the long-term stability of municipal finances and the budgets of the federal and provincial governments.
- Planning and analysis instruments: We support municipalities with budgetary planning and analysis instruments via the platform
- Budget and accounting: We support federal, provincial, and local governments in the further development of budgeting and accounting systems.
References (german)
- Stadtdialog: Österreichische Gemeindefinanzen 2024 - Entwicklungen 2013 bis 2027
- Gemeindefinanzprognose Dezember 2024 - Konsolidierungsmaßnahmen auch bei Gemeinden
- Finanzielle Ausstattung und Leistungsfähigkeit der Stadt Graz im Vergleich
- Auswirkungen der Teuerungen auf die Gemeindefinanzen
- Krisenfeste Gemeindefinanzen - Endbericht
- Finanzierung der kommunalen Daseinsvorsorge sichern
Financing and managing public services
We are committed to up-to-date governance processes and structures. Our focus lies on multi-level governacne, especially in those areas that are performed jointly by the federal, state, and local governments.
Our services
- Financing and managing public services (e.g. public transport, education, care, climate protection)
- Further development of multi-level governance
- Development of new government models (e.g. city regions, intermunicipal cooperation)
- Modernizing federalism based on new governance aspects
References (german)
- Öffentliche Kulturausgaben im Bundesländervergleich
- Klimaschutz und Klimawandelanpassung in Österreichs Städten und Gemeinden
- Finanzierung des ÖPNV in österreichischen Städten
- Personalknappheit im Bereich der Elementarpädagogik
- Factsheets Soziales und Pflege
- Ausbaupotenziale in der schulischen und außerschulischen Tagesbetreuung
- Factsheets Elementare Bildung