The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on public administrations is shown in a newly published strategy paper by the OECD, on which we were able to work intensively. It provides insight into the resilience of public sector organisations using the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) through eleven case studies and a survey of over 170 CAF user organisations.
The key findings are:
- Prioritizing employee well-being and flexibility contributes to organizational resilience.
- Effective leadership, including foresight and crisis management skills, is crucial in crisis response and organizational resilience.
- Agile strategic planning processes and improved coordination mechanisms help organizations adapt to volatile environments and connect contingency plans with longer-term strategic frameworks.
- Accelerating digitalisation and establishing an innovation ecosystem helps organizations adapt continuously and foster resilience.
- Partnerships and networks are crucial in responding to new challenges and circumstances, and a strategic approach should be taken to build and facilitate strong partnerships.
- A focus on results and evidence-informed policymaking based on accurate and timely data helps public sector organizations remain effective and responsive during crises.
You can read the key findings in the highlight brochure.
Read the complete publication on the OECD website.