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Europäische Governance und Städtepolitik | Veranstaltungen

Danube Governance Conference: Towards European integration with the SDGs

The Danube Governance Conference: Towards European integration with the SDGs is the final event of the program Building Administrative Capacities in the Danube Region (BACID). 

At this occasion we would like to gather stakeholders with whom we have been cooperating in the past years to discuss the topics identified as priorities in improving governance in the countries of the Western Balkans and the Republic of Moldova on their way towards European integration and how the Sustainable Development Goals support this process. This event will bring together our partners from public institutions, think tanks and civil society organizations from the whole Danube Region, as well as representatives of the EU and international organizations that are supporting European integration and public administration reforms in the Western Balkans and the Republic of Moldova.

Our partners are invited to present their challenges and achievements, discuss possible solutions and network for future collaborations.

The BACID program is co-funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation and implemented by the Austrian Association of Cities and Towns and KDZ Centre for Public Administration Research. 

You will find more information about the conference here.

Milluks Kerstin
Kerstin Milluks | Bundesministerium für Inneres (Deutschland)
Die CAF-Webinare und die Kooperation mit dem KDZ haben uns dabei sehr unterstützt, das Qualitätsnetzwerk der öffentlichen Verwaltung in Deutschland zu stärken.
Petra Holl
Amtsleiterin Petra Holl | Oberalm
Die Teilnahme an Seminaren des KDZ bedeutet für meine Mitarbeiter*innen und mich, gut vorbereitet auf die Herausforderungen der täglichen Arbeit zu sein.
Mag. Thomas Wolfsberger
Mag. Thomas Wolfsberger | Finanzdirektor der Stadt St. Pölten
Das KDZ und die Stadt St. Pölten arbeiten seit vielen Jahren bei Projekten erfolgreich zusammen. Wir setzen bei vielen Fachfragen auf die Expertise des KDZ.


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Europäische Governance und Städtepolitik

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