Our international project "LOGOV - Local Government and the Changing Urban-Rural Interplay - LoGov" is bringing Rebecca Matsie, Senior Researcher of the South African Local Government Association (SALGA), to the KDZ for a month. The aim of her visit is to exchange knowledge and experience on municipal administrations. In particular, Rebecca Matsie will deal with citizen participation and citizen budgets.
Dalilah Pichler started her one month Secondment at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, working together with the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities on comparative research of local government practices.
We are glad that KDZ is partner in the Horizon project “Logov Rise” and allows us to have Secondments and knowledge exchange with local government and public governance institutions worldwide. Looking forward to many new partners, insights and learnings.
Learn more about the EU funded LoGov project here: