Last week the 2nd EFAC Practitioners Network Meeting with insights on CAF Excellence Principles from Ingeborg Maes (Belgian CAF expert) was launched. Many insights into the assessment of CAF Excellence Principles were given. Here are the key learnings and take-aways:
- Drafting an inventory list for detecting the relevant stakeholders is quite useful to identify the "ecosystem" of an organisation getting to know the overall requirements to public administrations.
- Maturity in CAF Excellence Principles always requires an institutionalised PDCA cycle and culture which means that public administrations have to proof that all management practices e.g. in the field of resultorientation underly continous improvement and high excellence standards.
- CAF Facilitators play a crucial role for succesful CAF implementation in public administrations and preparing them for the Effective CAF User Label - the certification for excellent public administrations!
With the External CAF Feedback Experts (EFACs) - Practitioners Network the CAF Centre of KDZ brings together experienced EFACs from around the world to exchange professional experience and strenghtening practical knowledge in delivering CAF Professional External Feedback Procedures (PEF). EFACs are those experts who evaluate public administrations applying for the Effective CAF User Label.
To boost the knowlegde and hands-on approach as a CAF Facilitator CAF Centre of KDZ has designed a tailor-made training for experts in the field of public administration reform who want to implement the CAF.