Europäische Governance und Städtepolitik | News

Start of TSI project: Sustainability in Local Public Finances (SLPF)


SLPF is the TSI project of the European Cities Network for Sustainable Public Finances (, managed by KDZ. The cities of Amsterdam, Barcelona, Bordeaux, and Hamburg, with the support of KDZ, have applied to the European Commission for a TSI-project (Technical Support Instrument) to make the following:

  • the Sustainability Goals (SDGs) and 
  • the Green Agenda 

an integral part of their decision-making processes and public financial management. Specifically, the goal is to develop the foundations for "SDG & Green Budgeting" in these four cities.

During the analysis phase, the current political, legal, and institutional frameworks for SDG/Green Budgeting in the cities will be assessed, and recommendations for further development will be made.

  • SDGs budgetary governance systems in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Bordeaux, Hamburg 
  • Governing SDGs in European Cities 

In the implementation phase, specific methods for SDG/Green Budgeting and relevant KPIs will be introduced into action plans for each city.

  • SDG Budgeting Methodology – Scenario and KPIs for European Cities 
  • Guideline "Financial impact of SDGs in European Cities: KPIs in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Bordeaux, and Hamburg" 
  • Climate Finance Tool Bordeaux

In the dissemination phase, training and workshops will be conducted for city staff and in the four countries. Events are planned in other EU countries to further spread the results of the municipal SDG & Green Budgeting initiative.

Other cities, such as Tallinn, have expressed interest in participating via the European Commission, and their participation as observers is planned.

Project details

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Milluks Kerstin
Kerstin Milluks | Bundesministerium für Inneres (Deutschland)
Die CAF-Webinare und die Kooperation mit dem KDZ haben uns dabei sehr unterstützt, das Qualitätsnetzwerk der öffentlichen Verwaltung in Deutschland zu stärken.
Petra Holl
Amtsleiterin Petra Holl | Oberalm
Die Teilnahme an Seminaren des KDZ bedeutet für meine Mitarbeiter*innen und mich, gut vorbereitet auf die Herausforderungen der täglichen Arbeit zu sein.
Mag. Thomas Wolfsberger
Mag. Thomas Wolfsberger | Finanzdirektor der Stadt St. Pölten
Das KDZ und die Stadt St. Pölten arbeiten seit vielen Jahren bei Projekten erfolgreich zusammen. Wir setzen bei vielen Fachfragen auf die Expertise des KDZ.


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